Who is world’s best cook??

Hope all of you had a wonderful day.If you read this post (http://preethi-pretty.blogspot.com/2014/02/daily-routine.html) you will know my routine for the day :).  I think most of you will be able to relate to today’s post.Initially after our wedding I was so enthusiastic and tried to cook all new dishes.I used to experiment a lot with cooking.If you read my post (http://preethi-pretty.blogspot.com/2014/02/first-year-of-marriage-lifedos-and-donts.html) I would have mentioned the same.

So whenever I made any dish and asked my husband how it tasted he used to say “my mom makes this even better”. My mother in law is indeed an amazing cook from whom I learn a lot of recipes. Still initially I was not happy to hear that comment  since I felt that I put in so much of effort and prepared the dish and he never appreciated that. I really love cooking and I do try a variety of dishes each week. As I mentioned earlier in this post (http://preethi-pretty.blogspot.com/2014/02/husbandwife_26.html) me and my husband are a team where I love to cook and he loves to eat.Years rolled by and now he is a seasoned husband.We really don’t ask these questions anymore, still whenever this question pops up “Who is world’s best cook?” he knows what to answer.
Now I have a 3 year old son for whom I  pack lunch everyday. The first thing I do  after I pick up my  kids and come home is check their lunch boxes to see if it is empty.If it is empty I will be really happy.During weekends I make sure that my kids get enough veggies to eat and  after lunch time whenever I ask my son “Who makes yummy mum mum (food)??” He doesn’t even think a second and answers “Mummy” that really makes my day.Then I understood why I got that answer from my husband when I popped this question first.So who all agree with me that your mom is the best cook please do share this post and also your comments.Good night 🙂