Dont miss these as you or your company pays for it

I am learning a lot through this blog experience. I recently learnt how to add  Facebook Like and Share button to my blog so if you like  my post, like and share it.It really motivates me to see your comments and your likes.

Today’s topic is about some things that we should not miss as you or your company is already paying for it. These are some things that I think you should not overlook, initially when I came to US I had no idea about these.
*Talk to people and find out which health insurance will work for you and your family.
*Find a primary physician and get your physical/preventive check done if  it is free in the insurance plan you have opted for once a year and dont miss it.Ladies find your Gynecologist who is also an OBGYN so you can go to the same doctor once you decide to have kids.
*Dont forget to find a dentist and get your teeth cleaned twice/once a year based on your insurance.
* For working moms if you are planning to buy a breast pump to use the mothers room (to know what it is read this post find out if your insurance will pay partial or full cost for breast pump. My insurance paid a partial amount.
*Never miss any employee stock purchase program offered by your company.Find out more information about this if you haven’t already
*Find out if your company has  tie up with any child care and provides an employee discount and try to see if you can find a spot for your kid there before you start searching in other day cares.
*If you have kids dont forget to deposit money in DCAP  (Dependant Care Assistance Program) and claim it by end of the year.
*Once you decide to have a kid make sure you enroll in short term disability for that year as only this pays for FMLA(Family and Medical Leave Act).
*Find out information about HSA (Health Saving Account) and deposit money in it.
*Some companies provide classes and advise on investment. Do attend those and find out what better options you have to invest your money.
*If your company has a fitness center try to use that ,so that you can avoid getting expensive membership in other fitness centers.
These are some of the things that I watch out for. If you have any additional things please add to the list. I would love to learn and save more ;). Enjoy the rest of your day and thank you for taking time to read this post.